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PRODUCT FACTS:  This Trimec product is a combination of four proven Weed Killers: 2,4-D, mecoprop-p, dicamba and carfentrazone-ethyl. Postemergent applications of this product will control a wide range of broadleaf lawn weeds in residential lawns including Dandelion, Chickweed, Spurge, Pennywort (Dollarweed), Knotweed, Plantain, Clover and Ground Ivy (Creeping Charlie). This product offers these advantages:

• Rapid and effective Weed control for common and troublesome Weed species in turf grass.

• Fast acting with evidence of injury within hours. Generally the injury symptoms can be noticed within hours of the application and plant death can occur within 7 – 14 days.

WHERE TO USE:  This product is intended for use on most Ornamental Lawns including:   Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue Red, Fine Leaf Fescues, Colonial Bentgrass, Mixtures of Cool Season Species, Common Bermudagrass, Hybrid Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass,  Zoysiagrass, Buffalograss, St. Augustinegrass and even Centipedegrass.

GRASSY WEEDS CONTROLLED:   Crabgrass, large and smooth, Foxtail, green, yellow and giant and Signalgrass.

BROADLEAF WEEDS CONTROLLED:   Aster, White Heath And White Prairie Bedstraw Beggarweed, Creeping Bindweed Black Medic Broadleaf Plantain Buckhorn Plantain Bull Thistle Burclover Burdock, Common Buttercup, Creeping Carpetweed Chickweed, Common Chicory Cinquefoil Clover Compassplant Curly Dock Dandelion Dayflower Deadnettle Dock Dogfennel English Daisy False Dandelion (*Spot- ted Catsear And Common Catsear) Field Bindweed (*Morningglory And Creeping Jenny) Field Oxeye-daisy (*Creeping Oxeye) Filaree, Whitestem And Redstem Florida Betony Florida Pusley Ground Ivy (Creeping Charlie) Groundsel Hawkweed Healall Henbit Innocence (Blue-eyed Mary) Lambsquarters Lawn Burweed Lespedeza, Common Mallow, Common Matchweed Mouseear Chickweed Old World Diamond Flower Oxalis (*Yellow Woodsorrel And Creeping Woodsorrel) Parsley-piert Pennsylvania Smartweed Pennywort (*Dollarweed) Pepperweed Pigweed Pineappleweed S Plantain Poison Ivy Poison Oak Prostrate Knotweed (*Knotweed) Puncturevine Purple Cudweed Purslane Ragweed rattlesnake Weed Redweed Red Sorrel (*Sheep Sorrel) Shepherdspurse Spotted Spurge Spurge Thistle Veronica (*Corn Speedwell) TORAGE AND DISPO Virginia Buttonweed White Clover (*Dutch Clover, Honeysuckle Clover, White Trefoil And Purplewort) Wild Carrot Wild Garlic Wild Geranium Wild Lettuce Wild Mustard Wild Onion Wild Strawberry Wild Violet Yarrow Yellow Rocket.

RATE OF APPLICATION: When mixing up single gallons for spot applications, add .75-1.5 oz per gallon of water per 1000 sq/ft of turf. The 8 oz size will treat up to 5,000 sq/ft of cool season turfgrass and up to 10,000 sq/ft of warm season turfgrass. The Quart RTS will treat over 20,000 sq/ft of cool season turfgrass and over 40,000 sq/ft of warm season turfgrass.




$25.00  8 oz (954288)(Covers up to 5,000 sq/ft)(FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
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$45.00 16 oz (954298)(Covers up to 10,000 sq/ft)(FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
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$60.00 32 oz (954299)(Covers up to 20,000 sq/ft)(FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
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$210.00 128 oz (954295)(Covers up to 2 Acres)(FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
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$60.00  Qt RTS (954289)(1/4 – 1/2 Acre)(FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:   Tank spray additive designed to “enhance” the way your active ingredient works. As the name implies, Spread-X Boost will effectively magnify the spread and penetration of your treatment.

First, Spread-X Boost will help by enabling your active chemical to “stick” to surfaces better.

Second, Spread-X Boost will help the mixture spread up to 5 times wider and deeper compared to a traditional mix of active ingredient and water.

YouTube video

Lastly and most importantly, when used on plants, turf, trees and home siding, your application will be GREATLY ENHANCED when Spread-X Boost is involved. This is especially helpful for homes with small pests like CLOVER MITES or SPRINGTAILS. It is also great at tackling PINE BARK BORER issues.

Spread-X Boost will help the active to become “smaller” which allows it to penetrate into smaller surfaces. This is helpful when applying herbicides, fungicides and soil drenching.

The net effect is a faster reaction by targeted pests and with deeper penetration power, pests like TREE BORERS can no longer hide under the bark as easily.

RATE OF APPLICATION:   Add at least equal amounts of Spread-X Boost with your active BUT NO MORE than 1 oz of Spread-X Boost per 1 gallon of water. When used in a HOSE END SPRAYER, follow the same rule. For example, if you’re applying MAXXTHOR at the rate of .5 oz per gallon of water, add the same amount of Spread-X Boost to the sprayer. But if you’re applying PROTHOR at 2 oz per gallon, only add 1 oz of Spread-X Boost for every 2 oz of Prothor.


** When treating plant foliage or turf, treat in the evening 2 hours or less before sunset to prevent extended exposure to the sun. Treating in the middle of the day when temperatures are 85 degrees or more should be avoided to prevent foliage burn. **

$20.00   (451021) 16 oz
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$30.00   (451022) 32 oz
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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Clear, odorless, molasses like material which mixes with water. Once mixed, it becomes like water. Apply it with a pump sprayer, paint brush or misting machine.

PRODUCT FEATURES:    Treatments are odorless and long lasting and get absorbed “into” the wood, not on the surface. Allow the application to cure for 72 hours and by then the treated wood will show no sign anything was ever applied. In other words, there will be no discoloration or smell since Borathor is colorless and odor free. More importantly, treated wood can be cut, stained and used for any project safely with no inherent risk following the application.

Please note: If you intend on using a wood sealer over the treatment, plan on waiting at least 2 weeks following the application to ensure the wood is totally dry prior to sealing it. Sealers like Thompson or varnish can “pull out” a range of resins, sap or solvents from the treatment which can then be visible in the finish. Paint or stain can be used within a week of being applied but sealants are best applied no sooner than 2 weeks.

LENGTH OF RESIDUAL:  Treatments will last many years. A treated deck exposed to rain and sun will be protected for 3-5 years. In the home, the treatment will be sheltered from the weather which will allow it to last indefinitely when used in attics, crawl spaces or wall voids.

TARGET PESTS: Powder post beetles, termites, carpenter ants, decay fungi, old house borers and basically any type of insect which wants to eat wood.

RATE OF APPLICATION: This depends on the thickness of the wood being treated. Mix one part Borathor to one part water and expect to get 400-1000 sq/ft protected depending on wood thickness.


$100.00   (455191) (4+ gal. $88.00 ea.)
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RELATED PRODUCTS:         PAINT MIXER            2 GALLON FOAM INJECTOR          FS MP AEROSOL WOOD INJECTION       PUMP SPRAYER (good for Borathor applications)              TURF MARK BLUE (BLUE DYE)

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1 Gallon Sprayer

Bugspray No Pump Sprayer 40 Feet

BUGSPRAY “NO PUMP” SPRAYER DETAILS:   This very unique sprayer is simple yet very good, easy to use and one of our “favs” for applying insecticides to your homes exterior and landscape (its too powerful for use inside). Ideally suited for reaching heights of 40+ feet, it has no moving parts other than the valve you hold for spraying and the adjustable brass “bullet” nozzle.

HOW DOES IT WORK:  This sprayer is essentially a tank that can hold water, chemical and up to 130 psi of air. The top lid has a clamp and rubber gasket that seats on the “inside” of the sprayer so as you fill it with air, the seal will naturally remain in place, nice and tight.

The top has 3 “ports” (pic below). The port to the far left is used to fill the tank with air. Using any electric air pump (the kind you would use the fill tires on your car), you can safely pressurize this sprayer up to 80 psi. The tank is rated for up to 130 lbs but the relief valve will only allow you to fill it to 80-90 psi before it starts to release. This happens as a safety precautionary action.

The center is the “lid” which simply clamps on/off so no “screwing” a pump or collar onto the sprayer is needed to open/close the top. Simply unclamp it the lid, add water and chemical and then clamp the lid back on.

The lid has a relief valve mounted to it which serves two purposes. First, if you are filling the sprayer with too much air, the relief valve will release the air once you get over 80-90 psi. The tank is built to handle up to 130 lb but we do not recommend going over 80 psi. For our tests, 80 psi will provide enough of a “charge” so you can spray up over 40 feet AND still have enough pressure to empty the tank of its mixture assuming you use 1.5 or less gallons of mixed solution.

The connection port on the far right is for the quick connector that attaches to the 20 foot coiled hose and spray valve. This quick connector easily snaps off/on making sprayer maintenance and storage a breeze.


YouTube video

HOW TO USE THE NO PUMP SPRAYER:  So a few things we recommend for using this sprayer safely and effectively.

1) For normal use around the home, 50-60 psi should be enough for you empty the tank assuming you only add 1 gallon of mixed product. True, the sprayer can “hold” 2.5 gallons of liquid but you need room for the air. Our tests show that 50-60 psi will pump out an entire gallon of spray allowing you to reach 25-30 feet heights.

2) For reaching 40+ feet or higher targets, pressurize the sprayer to 80 psi and again, mix up only what you plan on using and no more than 1 gallon of mixed solution at one time so the tank has enough room left to store all the needed “air”. One charge of 80 psi is enough to get the entire mixture to spray out so you don’t have to be concerned about constantly recharging.

3) When the mixture “runs” out, empty the air pressure inside the tank by holding the valve open OR using the relief valve mounted on the center lid by pulling on the circle ring. You’ll “hear” the air release within a few seconds. Once the air it all released, you can “unclamp” the lid and either refill or clean the tank and hose for safe storage.

4) To clean the system for storage, we recommend adding 32-64 oz of water, swirling it around in the open tank (no lid on) and then dumping out the mixture alongside the home. Do this twice. Now add 32-64 more oz of water to the sprayer and pressurize it so you can then pump out whats inside through the hose assembly. This will in turn purge the hose, get the tank mostly empty as well as the hose and valve so it can be safely stored. When storing DO NOT lock the lid back on. Leave the lid off so the tank can air out and dry.

5) 1 year warranty; not intended for corrosive materials like acid or bleach. Using corrosive mixtures will void the warranty.

In summary, this sprayer is well suited for anyone who would like to use a sprayer without having to continuously “pump” pressure into the tank. Its also great for anyone needing spray up high but has no need for a battery operated professional back pack sprayer that typically costs $500+. Our design relies on air pressure to disperse the contents and can empty a tank with 1 to 1.5 gallons of mixture with just one charge when you follow the guidelines above.


Remember, this sprayer is really helpful for when you need to spray up “high”, like 40 feet or more and/or if you are needing to treat remote locations where you can’t drag a garden hose.

Now if you have strong water pressure AND a really long hose, our 6 GALLON HOSE END can use the power of your water spigot to spray up onto the siding of any home and is well suited for many applications. But you will need strong water pressure and a long hose to get the job done.

Conversely, our “NO PUMP” sprayer is entirely portable, durable and very easy to set up and use. For sure it costs more but compared to the commercial battery operated back pack sprayers commercial applicators use, this one costs half as much and is well suited for any homeowner or business person needing to periodic treatments.

3 GALLON SETUP (remember to only fill it with 1 to 1.5 gallons of mixed solution so you leave room for air)


$385.00 (287757)(10% OFF WHEN ORDERING ONLINE)

5 GALLON SETUP (remember to only fill it with 2.5 to 3 gallons of mixed solution so you leave room for air)

$395.00 (287774)(10% OFF WHEN ORDERING ONLINE)

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$10.00   (287258)
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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  A general surface, crack and crevice and/or spot treatment for residual and contact control of Ants (including Argentine, Carpenter, Carpet Moths, Beetles, Harvester, Odorous House, Red Imported, and Southern Fire; excluding Pharaoh), Asian Lady Beetles, Bean Plataspid (Kudzu Bug), Bed Bugs, Beetles (including Confused Flour Beetle, Granary Weevil, Lesser Grain Borer, and Warehouse Beetle), Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Centipedes, Cockroaches (including American, German and Turkestan), Collembola, Crickets, Earwigs, Fleas, House Flies, Millipedes, Mosquitoes (Anopheles), Paper Wasps, Pillbugs, Sowbugs, Spiders (excluding Brown Recluse), Stored Product Pests (Confused Flour Beetle, Granary Weevil, Lesser Grain Borer, and Warehouse Beetle) and Yellowjackets

MIXTURE RATES:  1-2 packs per gallon of water. Treat every 2 weeks till pests are gone then every 2-3 months to prevent re-infestation. 1/2 gallon of mixed spray will cover up to 500 sq/ft.




$20.00  (1 pk)  (811803) (3+ pks – $18.00 ea)
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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:   Clear rigid plastic square measuring 4.5″ wide by 4.5″ long and less than 1/2″ tall. These traps work on silverfish, booklice, springtails, psocids and carpet beetle larvae.

Each trap features a small organic food lure these three pests cannot ignore. Place it on bookshelves, pantries, closets, along baseboards and basically anywhere target pests have been seen.

To properly deploy, you’ll need to set them up with with the 8 little holes down. This is the actually the bottom of the trap. Target pests will enter by following the small grooves on the bottom side which lead to the holes and then inside the trap.

Once they enter, they’ll get stick to the non-drying glue which can remain active for up to 6 months.

The lure/attractant will take a good month to start “releasing” its scent so do not expect results for several weeks. Also remember they are designed to help monitor local activity, not solve active problems.

Here is the bottom of the trap so be sure this side faces the ground:

This is the bottom of the trap so be sure its facing the ground to allow target insects to enter.

WHERE TO USE IT:   Safe for use throughout the home in bedrooms, closets, pantries, under furniture cushions, around rugs suspected of having active insects and under beds.

RATE OF APPLICATION:   2-3 traps per room with activity. In the open, each trap has an effective range up to 20 feet (10 feet in each direction). In a pantry or cabinet, this range will be severely limited so use more when making hidden or sealed placements.

The glue will remain active for up to 6 months but traps should be replaced every 3 months. Be sure to replace filled traps sooner.

$12.00   (712493)(2 Traps per Pack)(3+ 10.00 ea)(FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Lemon smelling agent designed to control malodor and insects down your drain. Use as needed during the week to control bad odor or insect activity.

YouTube video

WHERE TO USE IT: Drain lines from the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, showers, tubs and food disposals.

The following video shows just how easy it is to use:

YouTube video

RATE OF APPLICATION: 2 ounces per gallon gallon of water and use 1/2 gallon per drain in the evening before you retire. Will control drain pests like flies, gnats, mites, moths, ants, crickets, springtails and more. Generally used in conjunction with NO SURVIVORS ENZ A BAC.

$65.00   (775296) 128 oz  (2+ $61.00 ea)
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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  A general surface, crack and crevice and/or spot treatment for residual and contact control of Ants (including Argentine, Carpenter, Harvester, Odorous House, Red Imported, and Southern Fire; excluding Pharaoh), Asian Lady Beetles, Bean Plataspid (Kudzu Bug), Bed Bugs, Beetles (including Confused Flour Beetle, Granary Weevil, Lesser Grain Borer, and Warehouse Beetle), Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Centipedes, Cockroaches (including American, German and Turkestan), Collembola, Crickets, Earwigs, Fleas, House Flies, Millipedes, Mosquitoes (Anopheles), Paper Wasps, Pillbugs, Sowbugs, Spiders (excluding Brown Recluse), Stored Product Pests (Confused Flour Beetle, Granary Weevil, Lesser Grain Borer, and Warehouse Beetle) and Yellowjackets

For use as a general surface, crack and crevice and/or spot treatment in Animal Housing (including Calf Hutches, Calving Pens and Parlors, Chicken Houses, Dairy Areas, Dog Kennels, Hog Barns, Horse Barns, Milk Rooms and Rabbit Hutches); Apartments; Campgrounds; Cemeteries; Clinics; Food Handling Establishments; Garbage or Refuse Bins and Receptacles; Grain Mills; Granaries; Green Belts; Homes; Hospitals; Hotels; Mausoleums; Mobile Homes; Motels; Food Processing Plants; Nursing Homes; Resorts; Schools; Storage Buildings; Trailers; Transportation Equipment (including Autos, Buses, Boats, Ships, Trains, Trucks, Planes – cargo areas only); Utilities; Warehouses; Commercial, Industrial, and Residential Buildings; Theme Parks; Parks and Recreational Areas and Zoos

MIXTURE RATES:  1 pack per 1/2 gallon of water. Treat every 2 weeks till pests are gone then every 2-3 months to prevent re-infestation. 1/2 gallon of mixed spray will cover up to 500 sq/ft.



$12.00  (1 pk)  (811813) (3+ pks – $10.00 ea)
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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:    This is a gas powered back pack fogging machine which has a liquid tank that will hold 3.43 gallons. It is able to pump .5 to 1.3 gallons of product per minute and is great for treating areas where no electricity is available, generally outside around the home.

It’s super handy for the applicator who has several locations to treat and needs portability. This sprayer is so powerful and efficient that once you start using it, you will never want to use a regular pump sprayer again!

Mist blowing is extremely effective on flying pests like mosquitoes, gnats, biting flies, midges, no-seeums and more. You’ll be able to treat large areas in no time, use less chemical and do a more thorough job compared to liquid spraying.

The Maruyama is right there with the best of Mist Blowers. Its easy to start, very powerful and comfortable to wear.

RATE OF APPLICATION: Adjustable rate ranging from 32 oz to 1.25 gallons per minute. If this is overkill for your needs, go with our BUGSPRAY 1 GALLON FOGGER.

$799.00  (283328)
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