PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This device emits controlled distress sounds from several types of birds. The sounds can be timed and adjusted. Volume is adjustable and the unit is weather proof. The sounds emitted will chase nuisance birds away from areas you don’t want them to be. It is important to understand that this device differs from our Ultra Sound unit in that all sounds this unit makes are clearly audible by people. This means the unit is generally used where it will not conflict with people. It can also be used as a mobile unit or it can be operated at times when people are not present. The unit can be set to operate at day only, night only or both day and night. It has a photo sensor which allows for such specific settings. The other important feature is the ability to set the time between sounds. It can be set to emit sounds randomly, delayed, continuously or timed. Simply set it to emit your target bird, determine the timing pattern best for your application and set it out. You will need a 110 volt plug for the power supply which comes with the unit. If you need the unit for remote usage, connect it to a deep cycle battery. It runs on 12 volts and can be directly connected to any battery but deep cycle marine batteries will provide weeks of constant usage.
WHERE TO USE IT: In gardens, on roof tops, in open parking lots, around airports, in signs or anywhere birds are a nuisance but where people are not likely to be bothered by the sound. The speaker has an adjustable volume switch so you are able to regulate it low for small areas or turn it up for large jobs.
RATE OF APPLICATION: One unit can cover up to 1 acre. This will depend on object density. With a lot of plants and obstacles for the sound, expect less coverage and plan accordingly. Try to mount it pointing in the direction where the nuisance birds are most active. Ideally, this would be on a pole, fence or side of a structure.
$250.00 120 volt (747718)
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